We have learned to make goals as if we were going somewhere so special. Destiny frightens the ride, and the dreamer is constantly infected with fear. In fact its the destination that perturbs us then the ride itself.
What’s the biggest problem of this century? ´´We have answers to many questions´´.
Who answered those questions for us? Is it you or someone else, who laid the foundations of comfort: reaching out for a safe side when all goes wrong.
What is your destiny? Where is the endpoint of all this?
Let’s meet ourselves in the middle of the journey: just like looking at a mirror take a look at your own self from an observer, an outsiders eye. Then you will see, the struggle, the effort, the loss of energy was-is for nothing.
All is an illusion, everything thing must meltdown, we are mortal beings. We have a starting point and an ending point. So why wear yourself out? Keep the energy, internalize the peace, because, in the end, everything is the way it is.
People don’t change, because they have learned the lessons of life the hard way. They have followed whats laid out to them, they are followers of this and that. And that has made them ´´similar beings´´.
Originally published at on August 27, 2019.